Announcement : 

Welcome back for 2025. We are looking forward to getting out and about on school camps in the next few weeks. 

Learning Opportunities

Garden to Table

Rebecca Cook runs Garden to Table every Tuesday morning with two 90-minute sessions. Junior classes attend once a term, while seniors attend 2-3 sessions.
Half the class is in the garden, while the other half is in the kitchen. At the end of a session, children sit and enjoy prepared kai.



Digital technology is a strength at Waipu Primary School. Your child will have the opportunity to participate in class sessions, and some are selected for 30-minute small group sessions on a Tuesday. Also we participate in EPRO8 in Term 1 and Robocup Jr in Term 3 as well as other opportunities to work with students of other schools.



Sporting Events at Waipu Primary are led by Kirstyn Hoddle and supported by all the staff. Our big school sporting events include Swimming Sports, Tryathlon, Cross Country and Athletic Sports. The senior students can also qualify for Inter School Zone competitions at these events. Alongside this, the seniors also compete against One Tree Point and Ruakaka in a Winter Sports competition. Class PE lessons help give the students skills to compete confidently in these events.


Kahui Ako

Waipu, One Tree Point, Ruakākā Schools and Bream Bay College form a Kahui Ako or
cluster of schools who work together to provide enhanced learning opportunities for our students. Over the past three years, we have selected students who have a particular interest in area of learning to participate in projects such as ‘School of Rock’, Pukekauri Dam trapping, Problem Solving Challenges, and ‘Telling our Stories – Purākau’ to name a few.


Kapa Haka

Waipu Primary has a strong culture of Kapa Haka within the school. At present we have 120 of our students involved in either Junior or Senior Kapa Haka. Harlen Keepa is our tutor and the group performs at the annual Kapa Haka festival, for school events at various community events and forms a small part of the way in which we acknowledge and celebrate our cultural heritage.



Otherwise known as Music, Art, Dance and Drama is taken by Emma Couper who is an accomplished singer and artiste. Each week, our students go to MADD while their classroom teacher is released as part of their classroom release time. The students have produced some amazing art work and stunning performances under Emma’s tutelage. Emma also takes the school choir.



Discovery is held every two weeks in the Junior School. Teachers set up classrooms with a variety of art and craft activities and students are able to select in which activities they would like to participate. At the end of the time, students share back to their classes the activities that they completed.


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