Announcement : 

Welcome back for 2025. We are looking forward to getting out and about on school camps in the next few weeks. 

Learning Support

Waipu Primary School is very well resourced in that we have: 

  • A SENCO – (Maree Smith) Special Education Needs Co-ordinator who is released one day a week to work with and support Teacher Aides and students with learning needs.
  • An RTLB – (Bruce Ashton) a Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour – who also works within the school to support student’s learning.
  • An LSC – (Anna Green) Learning Support Co-ordinator who supports students with special needs i.e. autism, anxiety, ADD, ADHD.
  • Mana Ake (Paul Og) who works one day a week in the school supporting students’ wellbeing by working with groups of students on socialising, managing anxiety, sharing, building relationships.
  • Teacher aides – we have one teacher aide between two classes to support learning.

All members of the Learning Support team meet regularly to assess student’s needs and discuss the most appropriate strategies to support each student and teacher.

From these meetings, we decide whether outside agencies / funding needs to be accessed in order to provide further support. This may include but is not limited to: IWS (Intensive Wraparound Service) ORS funding (Ongoing Resourcing Scheme), High Health Needs or IRF (Interim Response Fund).

Reading Recovery

Reading Recovery an early literacy intervention that aims to reduce reading and writing delay by providing intensive, daily one-to-one literacy instruction to students who are falling behind in reading and writing after one year at school. 

Early Learning Support Classroom Teacher and RR teacher co-plan and teach a small group with similar needs after 6 months at school.


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