Announcement : 

Welcome back for 2025. We are looking forward to getting out and about on school camps in the next few weeks. 

Policies and Procedures

School Docs

All our school policies and procedures can be found on the ‘SchoolDocs’ website. These can be accessed through the school website or via this link:

Username: wps
Password: argyle

Every term, ‘SchoolDocs’ notify the school of the reviews of the policies / procedures due to take place during that term.
As part of the parent community, we invite you to read and comment on these policies and procedures. At the end of the term, your comments will be responded to and, if deemed appropriate, wording of policies and procedures may be modified or changed.
To access these procedures and polices simply log onto ‘SchooldDocs’. This will take you to a home page and then click on ‘Reviews’ to access the term’s reviews.


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